Live and smell

Natural Traditional Park of Zia

Right under the imposing peak of mountain Dikaios, in Zia village, the Natural Park offers the chance to feel, smell and taste the pristine nature. Experience the living around you, and feel more alive yourself.

Learn More


Zia, Kos, Greece




the park


Find peace and connect with the Nature in Zia Natural Park. Walk on the stone paths between the trees and breath the fresh air. Have a close look at the local animals and plants in their natural environment.

Take a break at the snack bar and enjoy the view while your kids play at the playground. Placed in the best view points, the binoculars offer you a more detailed picture of the island. In addition, at the top of the park you will find a special area equipped with hammocks which are the ideal way to relax.

The park is open from 10:00 until 30 minutes after the sunset. Have fun!

explore our


Bar & Snack Area

Take a break and enjoy a beverage or a little snack.

Reading & Resting

Rest from the long walk & get inspired.

Weddings & Events

Host your wedding on the Natural Traditional Park of Zia



 Our park is home to many local animals such as deer, a variety of birds, and animals such as rabbits, sheep and donkeys.

Our philosophy is to motivate our visitors to harmonize with the natural environment and to get in touch with the flora and fauna of our place.


the park

Plants & Herbs

The park that is home for the island's animals and offers a change to feel, smell and taste the pristine nature. The flora is made up primarily of local herbs, in particular those that were used for therapy purposes by doctors as mentioned in Hippocrates’s writings.


Life back in the days

The olive oil refinery consisted of two main parts. Firstly, the millstones that would rotate in a circle with the help of animals, mainly donkeys, and secondly from the press. The purpose in the first stage was to break the olives enough to form a dough. In the second stage, the dough was placed in specially made sacks (turvades), to be put into the press. The particular press would operate with the help of workers who would turn the round surface holding it by the handles in order to lower the metal plate and press the sacks. Lastly, the olive oil was stored in containers and kept in the family celar.


Παιδική χαρά
Χώρος περιπάτου

Τα παιδιά πρέπει να συνοδεύονται απο ενήλικες

Walking paths

Children must be
under supervision


Kinder müssen beaufsichtigt werden

Τιμή εισιτηρίου 5€ από 12 ετών και άνω , 3€ από 2-11 ετών.

Το εισιτήριο ισχύει για όλη την ημέρα.

Απο τις 10:00 το πρωί
μέχρι μισή ώρα μετά το ηλιοβασίλεμα

Ticket price is 5€ for over the age of 12 years, 3€ for ages 2-11.

Ticket is valid for the whole day.

From 10:00 until 30 minutes
after sun sets !

Der Ticketpreis beträgt 5€ von 12, 3 € von 2-11.

Das Ticket ist den ganzen Tag gültig.

Von 10:00 bis
halbe std nack


Zia, Kos, Greece